Friday 24 December 2021

Genki HQs Seasonal Sizzlers that Bring that Retro, Ready Brek Gaming Glow

 Festive Genki Greetings. We hope you can enjoy some quality game time during the festive period and find something special for the collection under the Christmas tree. Thank you for the support this year and happy gaming throughout 2022 too. Merry Christmas.

Thursday 21 October 2021

Console Turf Wars

Genki Greetings. It been a while old beans. 
The Sakura Wars Dreamcast demonstrates Sega's love of its fans by inking its delightful design. Last Blade 2, Capcom vs SNK, Street Fighter and Virtua Cop 2 demonstrate its dream architecture. 

Fantasy Zone for the back in stock Mark 3, Tatsujin & Darius 2 for the Mega Drive, Silky Lip & Devastator for the Mega CD and Vampire Savior on the Saturn risk turning this into a console wars skirmish from the 90's. 

The Nintendo formats gather the gang with Ninja Spirit and Splatterhouse on the Famicom, Super Smash Bros on the N64 backed up by the celebrity triple-A releases of F Zero X, Mario Kart 64, Super Mario 64 and Wave Race 64 on cut-price cart only and the GameCube dark horses of Metroid Prime, Gotcha Force and Chibi Robot. 

Strong showings from the understated PC Engine with Gunhed, Tales from the Monster Patch, Mr. Heli and those Burning Angels back in town. Dodonpachi on the PS2 is a pixel perfect version. 

Happy Genki gaming.

Friday 2 July 2021

Kick it Jackie Chan at the Cos-Play Con

Jackie Chan needs little back-up, but Ghouls and Ghosts is certainly also a tough cookie on the #Famicom. 

Last Bronx takes on all comers,whilst Advanced VG takes the #Dreamcast approach to extreme limited editions.(We are grateful the jigsaw didn't need completing to check the contents.)Panzer Dragoons #Saturn roots explain why the clamour remains for this delightful flight of fancy.

Ushio and Tora is well worth investigating as a lesser known #SuperFamicom light. Based on the man- beast relationship #anime, it features some very slick oriental back drops similar in style to Ghost Sweeper Mikami and executed with similar panache.

Gunstar Heroes is one of the finest Mega Drive games ever made. To call this a 'game' is like to call the Mona Lisa a 'picture of some woman.' As a technical demonstration it does more than Sega said the #MegaDrive could do on the box.

But in playing #Treasures charms soon creep up on you making you realise why many back this as the systems best title. A plethora of bosses, parallax scrolling, a palette of colours of make da Vinci envious even a shmup section interspersed with the run and gun action... 

#Choaniki & #Goemon demonstrate the #Playstation doesn't just do mainstream: it can mix-it at the #cosplay con too. 

Choaniki's Wacky digitised graphics make you wonder if shiitake are the only mushrooms the creators have been having in their miso soup.

Thursday 10 June 2021

Press the Switch

Rolling Gunner debuts in the new #Switch section at Genki. Our bugbear with Rolling Gunner is the difficulty in taking in the stunning, stainless steel mega bosses & seamlessly scrolling backgrounds in this super Switch side scrolling #shooter.

The soundtrack hits all the right notes too, inspiring players to keep blasting when it seems like every pixel is out to get you.

Hyper Steering V and the Compact Analogue Stick controllers are for the serious #Playstation try-hards.


The lesser-spotted #Milestone Shooting Collection 2 appears on #NintendoWii import again. 


The #GameGearMicro Pins & Collection Box version is a delightful tribute to #Sega's handheld with Mickey Mouse on the original #GameGear showing off its pixel perfect graphics. 


The #Hori Game Repeater for the #Famicom is a real treasure chest of a curio we hadn't come across previously and couldn't resist. Repeater will record button presses so you can replicate the level played over again. A fine addition for the curio tinker. 

#Pokemon Card GB comes with a much-sought after #Kairyu collector's card which was only included with the #GameBoy game. Also known as #PokemonCard Trading Game.

#Contra Rogue Corps is worth a blast at that #PS4 price. 

A real blitz of run & gun action as the lady assistant talks players through tricky scenarios in the gritty environment. Shoot first, look for switches later. 


#MegaDrive boosts Verytex and ThunderFox plus the popular Ultracore re-release.


#Shubibinman Zero is another fine #ColumbusCircle release for the #SuperFamicom. 

#Gamers of a certain vintage feel their fingertips feeling alot less arthritic. Kaizou Chounin Shubibinman has fine hertige on the PC Engine-known as Shockman in the West.

Advanced Guardian Heroes is a must-have for the #GameBoyAdvance. One of the #Saturn's jewels in the crown with the #GBA conversion effortlessly throwing giant sprites around like Big Daddy and #Treasure's programming entering an even higher echelon.

Friday 5 March 2021

Reassuringly Retro Renaissance Revival

 A wholesome #retrogame like Ninja Spirit on the #PCEngine is a very reassuring play like a comfortable pair of tabi slippers with the #CoreGrafx in stock to enjoy its fine architecture.

You can't beat a day by the lake Virtual Fishing on the #VirtualBoy with Jack Bros one of the finer titles for the #GunpeiYokoi creation.

Great to see #Darius and #Cotton back in the limelight on the PS4 with stand-alone and old school deluxe limited editions of #DariusCozmicRevelation and #CottonReboot.

The #Sega #GameGear enjoys a retro renaissance with its amazing Micro version, shoulder bag, pin badges and lanyard for the full set. 

The de rigueur outfit for fans of the #Sega #GameGear shoulder bag, pin badges and lanyard for the full monty. Happy (belated) 30th Anniversary!

#ShootingLove Trizeal on the #PS2 and #ShootingLove Ten Year Xiizeal & Deltazeal Limited Edition and #ShootingLove 200x on the #Xbox360 Okaeri nasai! Welcome home. 

#ColumbusCircle do a stellar job of keeping the #retrogaming torch burning bright with #BattleKid #PicoPicoGrandAdventure #8BitMusicPower #8BitRhythmLand on the #Famicom and #MadStalker and #Ultracore on the #MegaDrive 

Wednesday 10 February 2021

Big Drops

 Big drops on the #Saturn #Dreamcast #Famicom #SuperFamicom & #Playstation. It's hard to only pick one for each, but if pushed we'd go
#AdvancedVG #Shenmue II #FantasyZone #Mother2 & #Raystorm.But tomorrow it could well be #Nights #SonicAdventureBirthdayPack #NinjaKun #KidDracula

Friday 22 January 2021

Batman, Super Contra and Mother are like a Las Vegas CES show for the Famicom's wares. 
GameCube Smash Bros and Metal Gear Twin Snakes are like the same Eighties CES stand salesman, if not adorned with a bit more gold. 

Aleste and R Type go head-to-head for the Sega Mark III gold medal in the shooting.

Mahjong Sword Princess Quest makes its first appearance at Genki on the PC Engine, albeit slightly blushing.

Segare Iriji eclipses Paranoia Scape on the Playstation for the 'Warning: This T-shirt Contains a Nut' Award.
U Underwater Unit cruises in and out of the PS2 port with the stealth of a U Boat before anyone has noticed.

Thursday 14 January 2021

on the #PS2, #Choaniki on the #PCEngine and #ThunderForce IV on the #MegaDrive will get the pulses of many racing as fast as the retinas need to be to flourish. Also #Thor on the #Saturn amongst other fresh retro arrivals.

Stay Safe & Game On.