Friday 5 March 2021

Reassuringly Retro Renaissance Revival

 A wholesome #retrogame like Ninja Spirit on the #PCEngine is a very reassuring play like a comfortable pair of tabi slippers with the #CoreGrafx in stock to enjoy its fine architecture.

You can't beat a day by the lake Virtual Fishing on the #VirtualBoy with Jack Bros one of the finer titles for the #GunpeiYokoi creation.

Great to see #Darius and #Cotton back in the limelight on the PS4 with stand-alone and old school deluxe limited editions of #DariusCozmicRevelation and #CottonReboot.

The #Sega #GameGear enjoys a retro renaissance with its amazing Micro version, shoulder bag, pin badges and lanyard for the full set. 

The de rigueur outfit for fans of the #Sega #GameGear shoulder bag, pin badges and lanyard for the full monty. Happy (belated) 30th Anniversary!

#ShootingLove Trizeal on the #PS2 and #ShootingLove Ten Year Xiizeal & Deltazeal Limited Edition and #ShootingLove 200x on the #Xbox360 Okaeri nasai! Welcome home. 

#ColumbusCircle do a stellar job of keeping the #retrogaming torch burning bright with #BattleKid #PicoPicoGrandAdventure #8BitMusicPower #8BitRhythmLand on the #Famicom and #MadStalker and #Ultracore on the #MegaDrive