Genki always struggles to resist the charm of Club Nintendo items. And these two have plenty of charm as well as historical significance as Nintendo dusts off the old printing press having started life as a playing card company. And few glasses wearers would decline a pair of cleaning cloths for their glasses with the friendly Yoshi discretely adorning them.

Nintendo gets back to its roots as a playing card producing company and it shows it has gathered no dust with these colourful, collectable, commemorative cards. Bowser fits the bill well as the joker and Princess Peach makes a smooth transition to queen.
A set of two micro-fibre cleaning cloths suitable for cleaning the screen of your favourite handheld or perhaps even a pair of glasses. Each cloth is cut is a sixteen centimetre square and the set is made up of one green and one pink cloth with a nice representation of our Yoshi adorning them.
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