Thursday, 11 May 2023

Restocks galore to equally delight bargain bin rummagers and high-end collectors

 Back to our roots this week with a trove of #retrogames back in stock from the humble #Famicom#PCEngine#SuperFamicom#MegaDrive,  #Playstation#Saturn#Dreamcast#PS2#GameCube, right through to the #PS3

Bit late for #StarWars Day, but gamers of a certain vintage will lap up #Valis#DragonQuest I&II, #SonicSpinball#Dodonpachi#DynamiteDeka#SegaGaga#SilentHill#MetalGearSolid  and #Castlevania. Happy Genki Gaming.

Friday, 20 January 2023

Blast Away January Blues


Plenty of Egrets to start 2023 as the Egret II Mini comes with the SD card of Arcade Memories Volume One adding more fab retro delights to the roster (and available as a stand alone SD card for those who already own the Egret.)
Budget arrivals on #PS4 include Sifu: Beautiful neon signs light up the setting, Atomicrops, Metal Dogs & Final Vendetta a #FinalFight tribute with gritty, urban decay setting and bashed up cars, complete with ladies in thigh length boots that kick to kill.
Bargain basement on the #NintendoSwitch includes Warhammer, Override 2, Cris Tales & Indigo 7:  Funky, colourful and vibrant graphics bring the indie band and love quest elements of this devilishly simple puzzle game to life.